Boskone 59 Schedule

Here is my Boskone schedule. Some great panels, a reading, a concert, and a signing. I’m going to be busy! Autographing: David Coe and Adam Stemple Format: Autographing19 Feb 2022, Saturday 12:00 – 12:50, Galleria – Autographing (Westin)   Adam Stemple, David B. Coe/ D.B. Jackson   Fandom and Neurodivergence Format: Panel19 Feb 2022, Saturday […]

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Books to Read for Writing Fantasy

Nobody springs fully formed from the head of Zeus, and none less so than the writer. To attain any skill in writing, we devour thousands of books, write millions of words, and talk endlessly with each other about the act of turning our private thoughts into stories for strangers’ consumption. This list isn’t anywhere near […]

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Awards Eligibility Post

It’s my first ever Awards Eligibility Post! Not the first time I’ve had stories eligible; just the first time I’ve gotten around to actually making a post about it. So, here are my awards-eligible stories: —The Clock, Having Seen Its Face in the Mirror, Still Knows Not the Time (Clarkesworld, 8/21)          “…A tear-jerker of […]

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Recording You’re My Girl

As promised, I want to run through my process of recording my latest song, You’re My Girl, which is posted to my Patreon. You can access it as well as 15 more songs, several stories, poems, and other exclusive content for as little as $1 a month. First, the setup. To call it a home […]

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Writing a song

For me, songwriting has always been an interesting mix of inspiration and intentionality. Inspiration helps start the process and guides it; intentionality helps shape it into something more complete. Since I’ve just recently written, recorded, and uploaded a new song to my Patreon account, I thought I’d walk through the complete process of getting a […]

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Cover of Fly with Me by Jane Yolen, Adam Stemple, Heidi E.Y. Stemple, Jason Stemple

Bird Behavior

I am an avid birdwatcher. Have been since I was a child. When one watches birds for a lifetime, one gets very attuned to their behaviors. Behavior can even be an identifier at times. How a bird flies, eats, sings, etc. can separate it from other similar species. Finches and woodpeckers have a distinctive dip […]

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Chasing the Feeling Music Once Brought

There is a fatal flaw contained within every musician. In chasing the emotional connection with music that led to us too become musicians in the first place, we often lose our ability to make that connection. In both playing and listening to music, professional musicians process the experience more in the analytical areas of their […]

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Creating Resonance

I write fantasy fiction. That means that when I write, I have to make a lot of shit up. And the shit I make up has to be as real to the reader as the world they live in. This is not easy. Luckily, the reader is (usually) on my side. They want to believe. […]

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When is Writing Not Writing?

I saw a quote today that made me angry. This is not uncommon, of course. What was unusual was that it wasn’t political. It was a quote about writing. “Planning to write is not writing,” it began. “Outlining, researching, talking to people about what you’re doing, none of that is writing. Writing is writing.” While […]

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