Boskone 2021 Schedule

I’m sad not to be able to go to Boskone in person, but very excited for the panels I’m on. The one good thing about virtual panels is you’re not limited by geographical constraints and can get some big hitters together on panels who normally wouldn’t meet as they’re sometimes in completely different continents.   […]

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The Stupidest Insurrection

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been a little distracted this last week. Haven’t gotten a ton of writing done. So, instead of talking about writing, let’s go ahead and talk about the riot at the capitol. I’m not even going to try to organize my thoughts because of the sheer chaos of the […]

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2020: The Year That Won’t Die

Doesn’t it feel like this year is lasting forever? I just want this election over so I know if there’s reason for hope, or we’re just going to keep sliding into fascist dystopia. But how about the writing, Adam? Shockingly, despite the existential dread I know all of us are suffering from, I’m actually writing […]

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Picture of a half-man, half-cat face with a green eye

On Writing DUSTER

I thought I’d write a little about my process when I wrote Duster, my new novel that comes out in two weeks. I’m a huge process nerd, so this will be fun for me. You, I’m not so sure about. Duster came about during a period when I had set aside certain portions of the […]

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What am I working on?

What’s going on with me? Well, I’m glad you asked!   Aside from DUSTER (epic dark fantasy out in a week), I’ve got a few things available right now.    NUNS WITH GUNS — My story, “Scent of a Demon”, leads the Blaze Ward anthology where the only rule was that at some point in […]

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Picture of a half-man, half-cat face with a green eye

Duster available soon

On saturday, my fantasy novel, DUSTER, will be available for pre-order on Amazon. Two weeks after that will be the official release date. I’m calling it a dark fantasy about dead gods, older heroes, and a world at war. Here’s my current blurb: “From award-winning author Adam Stemple comes a gripping story set in a […]

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Professional Year in Review

So I’m a little late on this, but here goes… WRITING: It was a good year for writing as I left my 40+ hour a week job and concentrated on creative pursuits fully for the first time in five years. I went from having 3-5 things out on submission at any one time to 15-30. […]

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A sale, a veritable sale!

I sold a short story to Orca Literary Journal yesterday! It’s a non-genre flash piece called A Season’s End and will be in their second issue. I can’t really begin to explain how excited I am. But I will try… All sales are super exciting. Writers have to have a thick skin about rejections—because you’re […]

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Cover of The Last Tsar's Dragons by Adam Stemple and Jane Yolen

Book Birthday: The Last Tsar’s Dragons

It is that most wonderful of days in an author’s life: a book birthday. Today marks the publication date of Jane Yolen’s and my newest novella, The Last Tsar’s Dragons. It is, as the title suggests, a story of the Russian Revolution but with dragons added. Many thanks to all the great people at Tachyon […]

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