Learning How You Write

It is a long held belief that there is no one way to write, and that those who tell you differently, tell you that their way is the One True Way, are at best ill-informed. More likely, they’re trying to sell you advice that they know is worthless. I’m not going to disabuse you of […]

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Minicon Schedule

Friday 6:30 PM Signing Tables Art – Terrace 1,2,3 Adam Stemple, Jane Yolen   Saturday 11:30 AM Creativity and Mental Health Art therapy helps many people cope with difficulties and stress, and helps to speed up the recovery process from trauma.  How do artists and creators use art to de-stress?  How can art help us […]

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Doomsday Panel at Boskone 56

On Doomsday, Diversity, and Blind Spots in My Worldview

Warning: Subjects in your blind spot may be bigger than they appear I have recently returned from Boskone 56 with a head full of storylines, character sketches, and half-written blog posts, as well as a heart full of catching up with old friends and making new ones. This is not unusual. However, this year I […]

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Five Years in Red

I recently ended my employment at Target after five years. It was a great experience. Going from backroom team member to team lead, I learned a lot about myself and even more about leadership, responsibility, and the rewards of hard, regular work. But recently Target corporate decided to go in a direction that I felt […]

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